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Most people want to be healthier and are aware that standing while working is far superior to sitting. However, when you have to work on a computer, it is often difficult to do so. As a result, the standing desk is one of the most beneficial pieces of equipment for you. It enables you to stand for the majority or all of your day. You can still adjust the desk so that you can sit down when you need to. But how high should a standing desk be?
While many standing desks are similar and come in a variety of heights, you must find the standing desk that best suits your needs. It's critical to understand that no one height is superior to another. In fact, before doing anything else, you should pay attention to where everything is placed and ensure that it is at eye level.
In general, there is no set height you should choose, though 44 inches seems about right for a 5'11" average person. The issue here is that you must ensure that your monitors are at the proper height while standing.
Set the standing desk to about elbow height, with your elbows at a 90-degree angle from the floor. The ultimate goal here is to ensure that you have the best posture possible. Otherwise, the standing desk will not benefit you as much as it could.
If your equipment isn't properly positioned on your desk, you're bound to slump, which can strain your back. Otherwise, you risk straining your neck by constantly looking up to see the computer monitor.
As previously stated, the height of the desk is usually at elbow height for everyone. It may be useful to measure the distance from the bottom of the elbow in the 90-degree position to the floor during the initial setup. You may require assistance with this. The desk can then be adjusted to that height.
Typically, you will have an adjustable standing desk. As a result, you may not need to take precise measurements to get things just right. Change the height a little at a time until everything looks good.
Place your feet in front of your desk while it is in the 'seated' position. Slowly raise the table until it appears to be about right. Now, stand up straight and with good posture. Make sure your shoulders are slightly back and your head is slightly tilted toward the ceiling.
Hold your arms by your sides, then slowly bend your elbows until they are 90 degrees from the floor. Raise the desk with one hand until your other hand's fingers can gently touch the keyboard. You may need to reposition the monitors so that the eyes are looking across the top third of the screen.
You may have been using your standing desk for some time and now notice that it is not in the same position as before. This could be true for a variety of reasons.
If you wear flats one day and heels the next, you will notice that your desk does not 'stand' at the same height. If you frequently have such changes, a motorized standing desk, such as the Sunaofe Tau 2, might be a good idea. The motorized foundation is designed to lift up quietly and quickly.
Some people may prefer to have a digital readout on their desk. This allows you to find your ideal height with a single click. You can even save your favorite heights. If you plan on wearing different shoes on a regular basis, consider the Sunaofe Tau 2- Home Office. All you have to do is press a button, and it will rise to the height you require that day.
What is the ideal height for a standing desk? We've gone over what you should do to get everything in order, but what shouldn't you do? Although you can set the position slightly lower than the 90-degree angle for your elbows, you should never set it higher. This is extremely harmful to the wrists, shoulders, and elbows.
The same is true for adjusting your monitors. They should be positioned so that the eyes are in the top 1/4th or third of the screen. You can go a little lower, if necessary, but not any higher.
A standing desk allows you to be healthy while also burning a few extra calories. Of course, technology has advanced to the point where motorized versions are available that are simple to use and, in some cases, programmable. What height should a standing desk have? Now that you're aware, it's time to purchase one for your home office.
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