Best Tips To Prevent Back Pain In The Workplace

Best Tips To Prevent Back Pain In The Workplace

Back pain is the most commonly reported type of chronic pain, with a significantly higher level of complaint than other sources of discomfort. While there are numerous causes of back pain, one of the most common is incorrect sitting throughout the day, particularly at work. Many people work in office jobs that require them to sit at a desk for 7-8 hours a day, so incorrect sitting can lead to back problems. Because the back is specially designed to cushion pressure across the vertebrae, prolonged incorrect sitting can disrupt this natural design and cause pain.

There are a number of precautions that can be taken to reduce the pain associated with sitting at a desk all day:

Pay Close Attention To Your Posture

Pay Close Attention To Your Posture

When standing, make sure your weight is distributed equally across your feet. Make sure you're not slouching. Choose a chair that supports your lower back to help you maintain excellent posture when sitting. Adjust your chair's height so that your feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest, and your thighs are parallel to the ground. When sitting, take your wallet or cellphone out of your back pocket to relieve pressure on your buttocks and lower back.

Make Your Chair And Desk Unique

Leaning forward in your chair compresses your lower back disks and creates strain on your neck and shoulders. To assist you safeguard your back while you work, consider the following suggestions:

  • Maintain your spine's natural curve. Lumbar support, with a natural forward curve at belly button level, is essential in office chairs. You can also achieve this effect by placing a cushion or rolled towel behind your back.
  • Adjust the chair's height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are at a 90-degree angle. For further support, place your feet on a prop such as a footrest or even a phone book.
  • Remove or lower the armrests to achieve a 90-degree angle with your arms. This will urge you to keep your shoulders low, which will benefit your upper back.
  • Position your monitor at or slightly below eye level, about an arm's length away. Instead of leaning forward and straining your neck, this will encourage you to sit back. Adjust the lighting on your display if you find yourself squinting at it to relieve eye strain.

While Sitting, Place Your Feet Flat On The Floor Or On A Foot Support

While Sitting, Place Your Feet Flat On The Floor Or On A Foot Support sunaofe blog 2240x1260

Use a box, stack of books, pillow, or footrest if your feet don't reach the floor. Pulling your feet beneath the chair or letting them dangle in the air puts strain on your thighs, inhibits blood flow to your lower legs and feet, and raises your chance of a deep vein thrombosis.

 Keep Moving (Sit-Ups) Your Body

The human body is designed to move. An eight-hour workweek spent sitting (or even standing) in one position can be detrimental to your health.

  • Every hour, take a little break, or micro break, to use the restroom, get a glass of water, go to the copy machine, or simply stretch. Sitting over long periods of time might damage your back muscles. Just 60 seconds of stretching can counteract the detrimental consequences of sitting.
  • According to studies, you should stand for at least half of your workday. Alternate sitting and standing during the day if you have a sit-stand workplace.
  • Exercises that strengthen your core muscles, such as yoga, pilates, or sit-ups, work your stomach as well as your back, improving your posture and reducing discomfort naturally.

Try to Sleep well

Try to Sleep well sunaofe blog

Consult your doctor about the optimum sleeping posture if you suffer from back pain. It's occasionally recommended that you sleep on your side with your knees pulled up slightly toward your chest. Do you like sleeping on your back? Place one pillow between your knees and the other between your lower back and hips. Sleeping on your stomach is particularly difficult for your back. Place a pillow beneath your hips if you can't sleep any other way.


To make your home office more ergonomically constructed, follow these ideas. Examine your working environment for any potential sources of back pain. Back injuries and pain can be avoided by taking even basic actions. The more you can work in a neutral posture and move around, the less likely you are to get hurt.



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