Developing Healthy Habits in the Ergonomic Office to Improve Work Performance

Developing Healthy Habits in the Ergonomic Office to Improve Work Performance sunaofe blog 2240x1260

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of healthy office habits is cycling to work or going to the gym after work. But are these practices long-term? Can you imagine waking up an hour earlier and being fine with arriving at work sweaty and exhausted? We didn't think so either!

Healthy office habits don't have to be difficult or time-consuming. There are numerous ways to transform your office lifestyle without overworking yourself or going on strange diets that make you crave normal food. While it is true that exercise, nutrition, and sleep are the best ways to turn your life around and live a healthier lifestyle, you should also be aware that there are numerous ways to manage it all without making drastic changes to your lifestyle.

To make a real difference in your life, all you really need are some healthy office habits and consistency. So, without further ado, here are some healthy office habits that will change your life and boost your productivity from the start. Let's get started!

Continue to be Active

Staying active does not necessitate dragging yourself to the gym after work in the evenings. You can stay active while working as well!

As strange as it may sound, exercising at work is an excellent way to stay active and get your steps in for the day without devoting extra time to it. You can do a variety of exercises in the comfort of your office, and they work very well to keep you healthy and fit. These exercises are very beneficial for people who don't have time to work out at the gym or even at home.

Another excellent way to work out in the office is to purchase office furniture that allows you to exercise while working. Desk bikes and foldable treadmills are excellent exercise tools for the workplace today. You can get them at the best prices at Sunaofe!

Get Enough Sleep

We've all heard how important it is to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night. But how often do you get to bed on time? Do you wake up feeling rested, or do you spend your days at work in a haze?

According to Harvard Business Review research, poor sleeping habits can have a negative impact on your work performance and productivity. Sleep deprivation also increases job-related accidents, absenteeism, and counterproductive work practices.

A good night's sleep, on the other hand, makes a significant contribution to a healthy lifestyle. It can benefit your heart and mind while also assisting you in maintaining a healthy weight and maximizing your productivity at work.

Getting enough rest allows you to perform better at work and avoid the negative effects of burnout. You will notice improved decision-making skills and a better mood at work, preparing you for a highly productive day.

Here are some pointers to remember:

  • Set a bedtime and stick to it. Throughout the week and even on weekends, you should go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  • Maintain a cool and comfortable bedroom temperature for a good night's sleep.
  • Put your phone away and turn down the lights at least an hour before bedtime.
  • After 1 p.m., avoid all caffeinated beverages and sleep for at least an hour.

Sit in a Good Position

One of the most important office habits to practice is sitting upright. Remember to keep your back straight and avoid bending forward or curving it too much. You should also avoid rounding your shoulders forward or arching your lower back. Your wrists should be straight against the armrests of your office chair, and your computer screen should be aligned so that your eye level is visible.

This is known as the neutral work position, and it keeps our joints and muscles in their natural positions. You keep your body balanced by maintaining this posture. It ensures that your muscles are not overstressed and that you are not required to stretch excessively to complete basic tasks.

Investing in ergonomic furniture from Sunaofe is the best way to ensure you work in the correct posture all day. Sunaofe provides specially designed furniture with innovative designs that perfectly meet your office needs. Check out their Summer Sale for 35% off a wide range of office products.

Take Breaks to Avoid Muscle Strain

The 90-minute rule states that you should work on a task for 90 minutes without interruptions before taking a short break by physically and mentally removing yourself from it. This means that you divert your attention and focus away from the task at hand and spend some time elsewhere. You could go to a nearby deli for a snack or spend this time socializing with your coworkers.

You can return to work as soon as your break is over. You'll notice that the break was beneficial because you're able to return to the task at hand with renewed vigor. You can easily improve your work performance and have a more productive day at the office if you follow this rule.

Another excellent way to avoid back and shoulder strain is to purchase the Sunaofe Tau 2 Standing Desk. A standing desk allows you to work in dual motion because you can choose whether to sit or stand. This allows you to choose how your body feels most at ease and adjust your working positions accordingly.

The Tau 2 Standing Desk is a multipurpose desk with four programmable height settings ranging from 28.3" to 47.6". You can easily select your preferred working height and then adjust your office chair accordingly. The transition from sitting to standing is ultra-smooth and can be accomplished with the touch of a button.

The desk is designed to take up as little space as possible in your office while providing an impressively large space for your office essentials. It has a tempered glass table top with rounded edges for maximum safety and durability.

Prepare Your Lunch

While it may be tempting to order out for lunch at the office, it is one of the worst dietary decisions you can make. This is due to the fact that we are most tempted to order the cheapest and quickest meal we can while at work, which usually means eating fast food at least three times per week.

Food has a significant impact on our cognitive performance on a daily basis, according to research. As we struggle to respond to all of the emails, complete the meeting minutes, and ensure the success of all upcoming campaigns, food is the fuel that keeps us going. If your body isn't getting the right kind of fuel, it will struggle to perform.

Packing your lunch, the night before is the best way to ensure that you eat well at work. You can accomplish this by effectively planning your meals for the entire week. It enables you to be more mindful of what you eat for lunch every day, as well as keep track of your calorie intake.

Caffeinated beverages should be avoided.

Most of us suffer from the dreaded afternoon slump at work, which forces us to reach for yet another cup of coffee to get us through the day. Some even believe that a sugary drink or a snack from the vending machine will provide them with a much-needed energy boost. These sugary and caffeinated drinks, on the other hand, only provide short bursts of energy and can actually make us feel worse in the long run.

Caffeine consumption is linked to increased feelings of anxiety and nervousness. It disrupts your sleep and can prevent you from getting a good night's rest. If you limit your caffeine intake to 400 mg per day, your body will absorb nutrients more effectively.

Taking a short break by physically and mentally  sunaofe blog 2240x1260

Understand When to Stop Working

Finally, you should know when to turn off your computer and log out for the day. When you're in the middle of a big project or have some important deadlines to meet, you may find yourself working long hours and pulling all-nighters. The truth is that if you give your body some time to rest and then start again the next morning, you can get a lot more done without the extra hours.

Attempting to drag yourself through work by overexerting your mind and body will not help you. As a result, knowing when to call it a day is critical.


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