The Health Benefits of Sunaofe Automatic Height Adjustable Desk

The Health Benefits of Sunaofe Automatic Height Adjustable Desk sunaofe blog 2240x1260

When it comes to the work environment, a desk or a chair that does not fit your body is an unproductive one. Sitting in an environment that does not provide for your posture and work needs is an unhealthy practice. The next post of our blog talks about the health benefits of the Sunaofe standing desk, a solution designed to help everyone from professional designers to individuals get the most out of their workspace.

According to a recent study by Edinburgh University, workers' health and general well-being can be greatly improved by regularly making use of a height-adjustable desk instead of an ordinary desk.

In today's society, the number of people who work on computers constantly is astonishingly high. Therefore, it is no wonder that there are some very specific health risks associated with this throughout the years.

The problem with an ordinary desk is the fact that your hands and body are in the same position all day long. According to ergonomics specialists, this can lead to significant problems with your wrists and shoulders. Moreover, an adjustable height desk is much better for your spine as you will be able to move around every couple of hours or so.

As stated in the article published by Edinburg University, "The results show that using a sit-stand desk for just two hours per day reduces the risk of having any adverse health outcomes by 24%.

Standing while working increases productivity

Standing while working increases productivity sunaofe blog 2240x1260

In addition to the health benefits, another important factor to consider is productivity. According to a study conducted by Texas A&M University, standing desks can increase productivity by as much as 15%. The study found that when employees were given the option to stand or sit throughout the day, those who stood were more productive than those who sat.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a way to improve your health and increase your productivity, an adjustable height desk is a great solution. Whether you are looking for a desk for your home office or for your business, the Sunaofe standing desk is a perfect choice.

Height-adjustable desks provide numerous health benefits

Height-adjustable desks provide numerous health benefits sunaofe blog 2240x1260

As previously stated, prolonged sitting alters posture and raises the risk of ailments such as heart disease and diabetes. Employees will be able to vary their working position, increase mobility, and improve circulation by introducing height-adjustable workstations to an office area.

It's critical to move about and change positions during the day to keep your spine healthy. Did you know that 47 percent of people who used height-adjustable workstations reported a significant reduction in upper back, shoulder, and neck pain? Outside of the job, 65 percent of participants reported height adjustable desks improved their health.

Another study found that those who used height-adjustable workstations reported less stress and weariness than those who worked sitting all day.

This is why height-adjustable desks are a terrific addition because they can be adjusted up and down, allowing workers to sit or stand and rotate between the two.

Height-adjustable desks boost brain activity

Height-adjustable desks boost brain activity sunaofe blog 2240x1260

During the course of a typical working day, significant decisions must be taken swiftly. To accomplish this, the mind must be attentive and focused.

According to one study, children who utilized height-adjustable desks in the classroom improved their focus, executive function, and memory. Standing desks may also increase brain activity by increasing blood flow, according to the study. Adding height-adjustable workstations to the company will most likely produce comparable results in employees.

Height-adjustable desks are a significant benefit if employees are expected to work in a concentrated manner for long hours where they must remain focused and retain executive function.

Height-adjustable workstations can potentially save you money

Height-adjustable workstations can potentially save you money sunaofe blog 2240x1260

Not only can an adjustable-height desk improve your health and productivity, but it can also save you money. A study conducted by the University of Minnesota found that workers who used sit-stand desks incurred $3,000 less in healthcare costs over the course of a year than those who did not use them.

The study also found that employees who used sit-stand desks took an average of 2.5 fewer sick days per year than those who did not use them. This saved businesses an average of $2,000 per employee per year in absenteeism costs. When you factor in the cost of the actual desk, businesses could potentially save $5,000 or more per employee each year by providing them with a sit-stand workstation.

So if you are looking for a way to improve your health and productivity while also saving your company money, a height-adjustable desk is a great solution.

Sunaofe height-adjustable desks

Sunaofe height-adjustable desks sunaofe blog 2240x1260

Sunaofe understands how vital it is for employees to be comfortable and healthy at work in order to generate outstanding results for the organization. To know more about our height-adjustable desk, please check our standing desk collections immediately. We would be pleased to assist you.





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