6 Reasons Why You Burn More Calories Standing Than Sitting

6 Reasons Why You Burn More Calories Standing Than Sitting sunaofe blog 2240x1260

It might not always be apparent to us just how much more energy we expend when we're standing than sitting. However, this article does a great job at breaking down the reasons why it's important to take breaks throughout your day, and why you might actually burn more calories standing than sitting! Before we get started, it's important to note that if you're really concerned with burning more calories standing than sitting, there are some easier ways to do so. For example, many people try to park their cars farther away from the office or school in order to walk more. However, this is a much more difficult and time consuming thing than just taking an easy break every 15-30 minutes during your day.

We stand more than sit

When we sit, our muscles contract and burn fewer calories. That's because when we sit, our muscles are in a resting state. When we stand, on the other hand, our muscles are constantly working. This is because when we stand, our feet are actively pushing off the ground, which requires more energy.

Another reason why we burn more calories standing than sitting is because when we sit, our heart rate decreases. When we stand, on the other hand, our heart rate increases. This is because when we stand, we have to work harder to stay erect due to the extra effort exerted by our feet and legs.

In fact, studies have found that people who stand for long periods of time burn more calories than people who sit.

Difference between standing and sitting

There is a big difference between standing and sitting when it comes to how many calories you burn.

When you are standing, your body is constantly in motion. This means that you are burning more calories than when you are sitting.

Standing also raises your heart rate, which helps to burn more calories. In addition, standing makes it easier for your body to get oxygen and nutrients from the food that you eat.

So, if you want to lose weight or Tone Up, stand as much as possible! Wrap it up: Standing will help you burn calories!

The impacts of sitting on our bodies

One of the big reasons why people burn more calories sitting than standing is because the impacts of sitting on our bodies are significant.

When we sit, our muscles are in a passive state. This means that they don't get as much of a stimulus as they would if we were actually doing something, like working out. As a result, our muscles use less energy and we burn fewer calories.

Sitting also puts pressure on our spine, which can cause back pain and other problems. When we stand, our muscles work against gravity to support us. This helps to keep our spine flexible and help us burn more calories.

6 ways to burn more calories by standing


Standing for long periods of time can burn more calories than sitting. Here are six ways to burn more calories by standing:

1. Stand up when you are at the movies or during a conversation. This will help you to burn more calories because you are using more energy to stand instead of sit.
2. During your morning routine, rise from your chair and do some stretching before getting started with your day. This will help you to burn more calories because you are using more energy to stretch than to just sit in one place.
3. When you are at the grocery store, walk instead of taking the elevator or escalator. This will also help you to burn more calories because you are using more energy walking instead of taking the stairs.
4. If you have to wait in line at a restaurant, stand instead of sitting down. This will also help you to burn more calories because you are using more energy standing instead of sitting down.
5. Instead of watching TV in bed, get up and do some exercises such as walking or biking outside. This will also help you to burn more calories because you are using more energy moving around instead of staying in bed all day long.
6. Whenever possible, try and combine the two things that you have been doing in this article and you will be able to burn a few extra pounds. To lose weight, it is not enough to just exercise outside or just eat healthy. You must also combine it with other factors such as burning more calories through your daily activities instead of sitting at home all day long. The great thing about this combination is that you can do it at any time of the day because they are not mutually exclusive activities. Try this out next time you go on a tiresome shopping trip at the mall.


    After reading this article, you may have a better understanding as to why you burn more calories when standing than when sitting. Standing burns more calories because it uses more muscles and puts more stress on them. When you are seated, your muscles do not have to work as hard and they can relax, leading to a decrease in caloric expenditure. So next time you find yourself sitting down instead of standing, take notice of how much easier that makes it for your waistline!


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